Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stand For the Right - I Can Make Good Decisions

Prepare a walking stick with the words "choice" writting on one end
and "consequence" written on the other end.

Sing: Stand For The Right  159

-Display a walking stick for everyone to see.

- Say to the children, "This is a walking stick"

- Say to the children, "When I am walking or hiking on uneven ground,
the walking stick provides safety and stability so I don't fall down.

Sing: Stand For The Right   159

- Ask a volunteer to pick up the walking stick and examine it.

- Point out the words "choice" and "consequence."  Tell them that when you pick up one end of the stick you automatically pick up the other end.

-  Ask if someone would like to share a choice that they have made whether it be good or bad. Write  the choice on the board and also the consequence if it was good or bad.

Sing: Stand For The Right  159
Repeat a couple of x's as time allows.

- Heavenly Father has given us the agency to make our own choices. 
This is part of the plan of happiness. 

Read: 2 Nephi 25-27

Sing: Stand For The Right   159
- If we make poor choices we can repent, because Jesus atoned for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemeny and we can be forgiven.

Sing: Jesus Has Risen  70

-The prophet gives us council to help us make good choices so we can have
good consequences or in other words that we might have joy. 
In Jesus Name, Amen.

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