Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Am Thankful For My Feathers - Thanksgiving Singing Time

List of Items you need.
1 small box with lid
1 package of colorful feathers (approximately 20 feathers)
Clay you bake in oven

Create a paper turkey by using scrapbook paper or other decorative paper. 

Use a small box with a lid, glue paper turkey to lid
Turn the box upside down and glue bottom edge of lid to box.

Mold a feather stand out of clay that you can bake in your oven. 
Stick all of your feathers in the clay to create holes for the feathers. 
Remove Feathers from clay stand
Bake the clay according to Manufacture recommendations.

Place feather holder on top of the box.

  Now you are ready for singing time.

Tell the children that poor Tom Turkey is not sure what he is thankful for.
Let's help him remember to be thankful for his feathers.

Give out colored feathers to children that are being reverent.

Call up one color of feather at a time, ask the children holding the feathers
to share something that they are thankful for and place the feather(s) in the holder.

Songs to Sing for Turkey feathers

Turquoise: For Thy Bounteous Blessings 21
We are thankful for eternal families and our testimony of the gospel
in our lives, it blesses us everyday

Pink: For Health and Strength 21
We are thankful for guidance from our prophet to live happy and healthy.

Red: Autumn Day 247
We are thankful for nature and for the earth God created for us.

Orange: Fun To Do 253
We are thankful for music and for the fun things
we can do with our family and friends

Yellow: Thanks To Our Father 20
We are thankful for our Heavenly Father
who knows and loves each one of us.

Purple: Reverence Is Love 31
We are thankful for Jesus Christ and the sacrifice he made for us.

Green: Do As I Am Doing 276 
We are thankful for our parents and teachers who help us to obey.

Dark Blue: Hinges 277 
We are thankful for our bodies.

You can choose almost any song in the Children's Songbook for this activity,
you can be thankful for everything.

I choose the closing song I Love To See The Temple
because we should be especially thankful for Eternal Families.

Happy Thanksgiving and have gratitude
in your heart for all that God has given us.

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