Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'll Follow Him In Faith

Scatter footsteps on the floor in in front of the room.

Ask for ten volunteers to come up and choose one footstep each. 
Give the last two the CTR Ring - Prop and the Picture of Christ.

Sing: I'll Follow Him in Faith (first verse)

Place the CTR Ring and the Picture of Christ in the appropriate places. 
The ask the children to put their footsteps in the right order.

1. gospel truth - footstep

2. early youth - footstep

3. share my light - footstep

    CTR Ring - prop

4. testify of Him - footstep 

5. simple faith - footstep

6. pray... strength - footstep

7. do His work - footstep

8. gladly serve - footstep

Picture of Christ

Sing it as many times as it take to get them in the right order. 
Who ever has the Picture of Christ when the song ends
ask them to share one way we can follow Him In Faith? 

Bear testimony that if we follow in his footsteps and
exercise our faith in Him we will return to our Father in Heaven.

note: all pictures on the footsteps were taken from The Friend magazines. http://lds.org/friend?lang=eng

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