Sunday, January 6, 2013

I am a Child of God - Introduction

I wanted to come up with a way for the children to be active in learning "I Am a Child of  God" 1 verse at a time without losing interest because they have heard it many times before.  So this is what I came up with.

Have the children listen to the song first, just the music. 

Ask the children to stand up if they have heard the song before. (the majority of the children should stand up)

Have them remain standing

Jr. Primary: teach the children what pitch leading is.  Have the children pitch lead with their bodies as the song is played.  Then add the words and let the children pitch lead with their bodies while they sing.
Work on just the first verse today.

Sr. Primary: Teach the children how to lead 4/4 time.  Play just the music without the words and let the children practice leading the song.  Call up 3 volunteers to lead the music, let the three children lead as fast or as slow as they would like.  Emphasize how confusing it is when there is more than one leader. Explain why we only have one leader and why it is important to follow the leader to sing in unison.  Then add the words and let the children lead while they sing.  Work on just the first verse today.

Show the “I Am a Child of God ” youtube video from the website.

Bear testimony that we are all children of our heavenly father no matter how young or young at heart we may be, we each have our own talents and abilities to share with others.  We can be an example to our friends and show them that they, are a child of God, too.


  1. It was an inspiring moment today in Sr. Primary when 70 kids were leading with little black batons and singing in unison I am a Child of God. What a great way to start off the year.

  2. That's great! Is pitch leading where you move your hand higher for higher tones and lower for lower tones? Is that how the younger kids can use their bodies?

    1. Yes, then the kids can move their bodies according to your hand movements by standing on tip toes or bending at the knees.
