Monday, January 16, 2012

As A Child Of God - Verse 2

Pitch lead as you sing the first and second verses for the children.

Sing: I came to earth with power to choose. Good choices bless me and my family too.  As a child of God, I recieve special light: The Holy Ghost helps me to know what is right.

I feel so safe and happy because such feelings of peace come from family love. As a child of God, I recieve special light: The Holy Ghost helps me to know what is right.

Have the children close their eyes and think about a place or a time that they have felt very safe and happy.If they would like to share have them raise their hands and share.

Sing: I feel so safe and happy because

Scripture: John 14:27

Sing: I feel so safe and happy because Such feelings of peace come from family love.

What does peace feel like?

Sing: I feel so safe and happy because such feelings of peace come from family love.

Who is the Prince of Peace?  Jesus Christ

Scripture: Isaiah 9:6

When we have faith that Jesus Christ really does live and atoned for our sins he will provide comfort and peace through the Holy Ghost to bless each one of us.

Sing:  I feel so safe and happy because such feelings of peace come from family love. As a child of God, I recieve special light;  The Holy Ghost helps me to know what is right.

Have children act out a scene then show the peace sign if it represents peace.  Thumbs down if it does not.

Action 1 Children fighting over a toy.

Sing:  I feel so safe and happy because such feelings of peace come from family love. As a child of God, I recieve special light;  The Holy Ghost helps me to know what is right.

Action 2  Family eating dinner

Sing:  I feel so safe and happy because such feelings of peace come from family love. As a child of God, I recieve special light;  The Holy Ghost helps me to know what is right.

Action 3  Children saying prayers

Sing:  I feel so safe and happy because such feelings of peace come from family love. As a child of God, I recieve special light;  The Holy Ghost helps me to know what is right.

When we make good choices we will recieve the blessings of joy and peace in our hearts and in our families.

Sing: I came to earth with power to choose. Good choices bless me and my family too.  As a child of God, I recieve special light: The Holy Ghost helps me to know what is right.

I feel so safe and happy because such feelings of peace come from family love. As a child of God, I recieve special light: The Holy Ghost helps me to know what is right.

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