Saturday, July 7, 2012

Build An Ark

Build An Ark
Verse 1

Show the clip about Noah.

Talk about Noah and the kind of person he was.
The bible dictionary gives a great description. BD - Noah

Sing Build An Ark

Teach the first verse
Noah was a prophet a man who did not fear
When he taught repentence the people would not hear
So the Lord  told him to build a boat,
that could hold a ton and stay afloat
Then Noah started building and said within his heart
I will build an ark, before it starts to rain
I will follow the Lord and do all things in his name
I'll prepare every needful thing,
I will walk in righteous ways
When the rain starts to fall on me
I'll be ready for that day.

President Thomas S. Monson gave a talk during the Priesthood Session of the Oct. 2011 General Conference entitled Dare To Stand Alone
He said, "When the time for decision arrives, the time for preparation is past."
He also tells the story of when he joined the Navy and was in boot camp that he was sure was trying to kill him.  The officer in charge told all the men the first Sunday that they were to go to church.  So he started to dismiss the men by groups.  The Catholics, Jews and Protestants were all given orders to gather in their designated places and don't come back until three o'clock.  President Monson said to himself, "Monson you are not a Catholic, a Jew or a Protestant, you are a Mormon so you just stand there."    When the officer asked who were the men still standing there, in chorus they said, "Mormons." and the officer ordered them to find a place to meet and don't come back until three o'clock.  President Monson remembered a poem that he had learned in primary.

Have the children recite it with you
Dare to be a Mormon
Dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm
Dare to make it know.

Sing the first verse again
Noah was a prophet a man who did not fear
When he taught repentence the people would not hear
So the Lord  told him to build a boat,
that could hold a ton and stay afloat
Then Noah started building and said within his heart
I will build an ark, before it starts to rain
I will follow the Lord and do all things in his name
I'll prepare every needful thing,
I will walk in righteous ways
When the rain starts to fall on me
I'll be ready for that day.

Sing the first verse several times

Noah was courageous to stand alone in his convictions and warn the people he loved so much.  Although they used their agency and chose not to believe Noah.  Noah dared to stand alone and we can to.

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